STPS Daily Update 11Jan2025

Source: St Thomas Police Service
Date: Sun Jan 12 05:27:17 MST 2025

A 39-year-old St. Thomas man was arrested yesterday morning following a vehicle entry and theft that occurred overnight. The victim was alerted to the theft after receiving notifications on his phone from his financial institution regarding suspicious account activity. In addition to the victim’s passport and cash, the victim’s credit cards were stolen and used at two St. Thomas convenience stores. Police identified the accused via store surveillance footage and located him a short time later. The male is charged with Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000 and two counts of Use Credit Card. He was released with a future court date. ST25000544.

Unlawfully in a Dwelling

A 31-year-old male and his 30-year-old female partner were arrested and charged on Friday after reports of people squatting in an apartment building under construction. The building owner arrived that morning and found signs of forced entry. Police including members of the Critical Incident Response Team attended to safely clear the building. Inside, the two accused parties were located and taken into custody without incident. They are each charged with Unlawfully in a Dwelling and were transported to police headquarters where they were later released with a future court date. ST25000554.

Later that day, police were called to a multi-unit home near the city centre for reports of an unknown person inside the common laundry room, refusing to leave the premises. Police attended and located a 45-year-old female. The female was arrested for unlawfully in a dwelling and transported to police headquarters for processing where she was later released with a future court date. ST25000560.


An unknown person dressed in all black including a face covering attended a local convenience store on Friday afternoon and stole two bottles of red wine. The suspect was captured on store surveillance. If you have any information about this incident, please contact the STPS at 519-631-1224 or submit a tip to Refer to ST25000556.

Police are reviewing video in an attempt to identify a male suspect involved in a shoplifting incident Friday afternoon. The male attended a local grocery store, selected several food and miscellaneous items, and left on foot after making no attempt to pay for the $100 in goods. If you have any information about this incident, please contact the STPS at 519-631-1224 or submit a tip to Refer to ST25000572.

Warrant Arrest

A 49-year-old female was arrested by the Sarnia Police Service yesterday afternoon. The female was wanted on a first instance warrant held by the STPS for failing to comply with her release order. Members of the STPS met with Sarnia Police to continue the arrest and transport the female back to STPS for processing. The female was later released with a future court date. ST25000581.


On Friday evening police responded to an apartment building in the downtown area for reports of a tenant causing damage to a wall in the common room. Police attended and observed a hole in the drywall and reviewed video of the incident. A 29-year-old male has been identified as the suspect that caused the damage. Police are applying for a warrant for the male’s arrest. ST25000583.

Shoplift/ Breach of Probation

A 34-year-old St. Thomas man was arrested last night for three counts of Fail to Comply with Probation after he was caught shoplifting at a local grocery store. An employee observed the theft and confronted the male outside of the store. The accused turned over the stolen food and left the area on foot. Police identified the male via store surveillance and learned that he was bound by conditions not to attend at that particular business. Police located the male later that night and arrested him without incident. He was released with a future court date. ST25000591.

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